My dad passed away this past January.He was a month short of his 62nd birthday.I loved my old man very much,I didn't always agree with him,but God I loved him.He taught me three things;guts,guns and beer.He knew alot more,but that's what he taught me.Some I learned,others.....not so much.
Guts,he was born with'em.He was a man's man.A Vietnam vet by choice,an independent thinker and a lover of free will.There is no doubt that he would be sorely disappointed in the soft man that I have become.Mine is what he called "the p***y generation".Weak,needy and begging for assurance.....he hated us.We whine about winnable wars,eight hour days and women not loving us.Know-it-all do-nothings,the world owed them with zero payed down..........he had a point.
Guns,the man knew his guns.He was a federal firearms dealer and knew every pea shooter ever bored.There were approximately 1900 rounds of ammo at his home when he passed.Two gun safes full of pistols,shotguns and rifles.It's a wonder Clinton didn't have him killed.He used to say,"I've got more guns than I need,but not as many as I want".He also taught me gun safety,gun respect and gun envy.........some one's is always bigger.
Beer........good ol' redneck nectar.I love it.Not any fancy micro brews,imports,slow pour,heavy gravity,new age crap,but amber,bold,best-in-a-bottle but good any way you can get it American lager.I love it,have since I was thirteen.Even before that,really.Thanks to my Dad,I was grown before I
knew a car would crank without a Budweiser between the driver's legs.
I got other things from him;my nose,my eyes,my ability to attract the retarded and afflicted.He gave me more than I wanted.
Anyway,that's it.The original SSS is gone,just felt like the man should be remembered.He was less than perfect,in fact,he had many faults,but I loved him.He was a God-fearing gentleman.He was loyal and dutiful.He lived his way,plus he was my dad.You just get the one.